Monday, July 29, 2013

Gone to the Dogs


I started this blog about a year ago and for the first six months I was completing about one project (and one post) per month. Then I adopted a puppy.

Murphy was three months old when my husband and I picked him up from our local SPCA and he has kept us both VERY busy. Puppies are work, y'all!

Anyway, between house training, obedience school, walks at the lake, and snuggles, I didn't really have time for projects. I was also serving as the Matron-of-Honor (how old does than sound?) for my best friend. But my little pup is growing up, my bestie is a married woman, and I'm on summer vacation, so the projects have resumed!

I'm juggling a bunch of different projects for now, but here's one that's done:

Murphy's Corner

A quick tour:

I built the shelf myself using a single piece of wood. I cut it in half with a handsaw and attached the two pieces together using L-brackets. I painted it with some a light grey I had sitting around (I compulsively buy "oops" paint and pre-mixed samples, so I always have plenty on hand). I bought four double robe hooks and attached them to the backboard. All told, this project cost less than $15 and took about 30 minutes to complete (not counting the time it took for the paint to dry).

On the shelf is a dish I picked up at the flea market where we keep some keys, the certificate Murphy and I earned for completing obedience school, a mason jar for flowers from our yard (currently Crepe Myrtle blossoms) with a ribbon from the box that held a gift from my husband for our third anniversary tied around it, and an iron bird on a branch that also came from the flea market.

Hanging up is one of Murphy's toys, his leash and harness, a towel for wiping off his feet after messy walks, a little ceramic IKEA pot that holds plastic bags for picking up after Murphy on walks, a towel for wiping up the water he splashes all over the place when he drinks, and another IKEA pot for Milkbones.

On the mat under the shelf is the trash can we use to store his food. It took us awhile to come up with this solution, but we're really happy with it! It has a removable plastic insert that helps contain the scent of his food and can be rinsed out. The pedal-controlled lid makes feeding him super easy. His food and water dishes are on the mat too.

Anyway, it wasn't some huge undertaking, but it took a lot of thought beforehand and has made a huge difference in managing Murphy and his stuff. It's in the back corner of our kitchen where the side door is, so it's almost always out of sight, but we use it all day long, so I like that it looks nice and clean.

Let the projects resume!

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