Thursday, August 16, 2012

For Me

The weather has been wreaking havoc on my attempts to paint, sand, or stain any furniture. It's too hot, too humid, too rainy, or too all three. I've been stuck working in fits and starts or on indoor projects. Sewing is about the only indoor craft I do, so I did this:

What had happened was... my friend SH was having a bridal shower in which the guests were encouraged to  wear vintage clothes. I did not realize there was a vintage theme until a few days before. I never miss the opportunity to play dress-up, so while scoping out furniture at Cause for Paws I decided to look over the dress selection. That's where I discovered this little gem / monstrosity. What drew me to it was the print:

Now, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing this dress the way I found it (bringing myself to wear it long enough to have my husband snap a BEFORE pic was a stretch and putting it out there for all to see on the Interwebs is giving me palpitations), so I knew I was going to alter it. Unfortunately, while the transformation was in progress I got sick. I ended up having to miss the bridal shower and the dress got pushed to the back burner. When I realized I was stuck with indoor projects, I decided to finish it.

I had started by removing the neck and sleeves. Instant improvement! I put it on and pinched the front to create a sweetheart neckline. I stuck a safety pin in the pinch and did a little folding to tuck in the unfinished edges (100% polyester = easy to work with). Then I used the tie from the waist to make a halter strap, again using safety pins to hold things in place. From there it was just a matter of sewing everything down. I also removde the zipper from the back and took it in just a smidge. Of course I took the hem up, primarily because I loathe maxi dresses. I found a coral belt at Target and BAM, cute "new-vintage" dress -- just for me!